
Observations from an outlier




configuring ubuntu wireless there is nothing cool about a robot that needs wires plugged in — actually it vexes me to no end. running ubuntu in an embedded device can be a real pain when first setting up a new device. many robots are running linux on low cost itx boards these days and they all suffer from the same security hassle with initial network configuration. you just unboxed…


led lighting with arduino yun progress on the rgb leds continues, here is the code for a useful android testing tool, with a very brutal looking UI.. awful. sliders for the red, green, blue light levels, few buttons for presets and scrolling debug messaging. the only noteworthy thing is defining the range of the sliders to suit the pwm levels on the arduino end.. so, [0 – 255] values…


arduino data acquisition Arduinos are not just teaching/hobby tools and can be used in real products. I cut my teeth on 68HC11 using C and the BUFFALO bootloader, which was mostly painful. I got the impression in school that ‘difficult to use’ somehow meant ‘professional grade’, and that the hobby type tools were just for fun and had very little use except for rapid prototyping. this has been incorrect…


I am finally wanting to learn again. No papers and exams, but learning for fun. Remember when that was true? As a kid, my friends and I would create small dams with sand and mud, then upend the buckets of water to see if our design actually worked. A few summers later, I was adding water wheels down stream and asking my Dad about how our electric lights stay…


Here is a simple class to send yourself a gmail from your Arndoid phone. You’ll need mail.jar in your eclipse project, but the rest is just this one class below. We are using this to test on the chair bot (OpenPAW). It is very useful to send all the debug files right to your email box. Further, the zephyropen framework can send data directly to the cloud on event…


Networking with java These labs were written for UBC computer science in 2012. The content now has a few dead links and links and better ways of doing things, but they will get you going on java quickly. these labs go into details of using diagnostic networking tools and open source scanning software too. Lab1 — Introduction to Java Development Lab2 — TCP Sockets Lab3 — UDP Sockets Lab4…

Is Symbian going to make it on mobile devices? I’ve used java a long time now and hoped the fragmentation would be sorted out for by now. My first experience with S60 was pretty shocking. Sun’s SDK for wireless devices is actually really good, but runs on the emulator generally won’t on the actual device. It is a very slow and painful debugging process to test on emulator, then…

ok, few links to errors I’m seeing thus far: Future Exception is a new one! This error only started after I re-flashed my Nokia 5800 with version 21 of the firmware. I used to get further, the URL was discovered from the service search and I’d even get asked for permission to connect… and then get This error Again, my code is freely available to test your connection issues,…

Ok, more on java on mobile devices. There has been some long delays using java on S60 when really, this shouldn’t be difficult to port code from mac to cell phone if it is all pure java? Read my “Batman Phone Review” to see the first round of driver issues with this phone. After finally getting the Flashing Cable (CA-101) to work the firmware upgrade on the phone only…