
Observations from an outlier




configuring ubuntu wireless there is nothing cool about a robot that needs wires plugged in — actually it vexes me to no end. running ubuntu in an embedded device can be a real pain when first setting up a new device. many robots are running linux on low cost itx boards these days and they all suffer from the same security hassle with initial network configuration. you just unboxed…


led lighting with arduino yun progress on the rgb leds continues, here is the code for a useful android testing tool, with a very brutal looking UI.. awful. sliders for the red, green, blue light levels, few buttons for presets and scrolling debug messaging. the only noteworthy thing is defining the range of the sliders to suit the pwm levels on the arduino end.. so, [0 – 255] values…


Philips has a new led lightbulb coming soon for $12, but of course it doesn’t have wifi or bluetooth radios for that price. cheap and hackable led bulbs are being done on kick starter too (but also without a radio). this is because just the wifi radio costs $15 dollars. but.. is a sweet rgb led bulb with wifi be worth 100? the costs are mostly in the communications….


home automation for disability this has been a very messy few weeks, months even, but finally I have the perfect home-theater/workout-out .. living room. i can do my pulls and watch movies through the rainy months in great comfort (and no excuses not to exercise daily). great effort was required to get this false ceiling in place, but it was worth it. there are no more wires stapled, taped,…


I own two drobos and they have saved the day a few times, but also have caused great frustration too. Why buy two of them then? Well, drobo won the american business awards for best product, and many more. The problem is that it’s simply underpowered hardware and that the hard drives can’t be mounted by any other system. Now I can say a few nice things about about…


Here is a simple class to send yourself a gmail from your Arndoid phone. You’ll need mail.jar in your eclipse project, but the rest is just this one class below. We are using this to test on the chair bot (OpenPAW). It is very useful to send all the debug files right to your email box. Further, the zephyropen framework can send data directly to the cloud on event…


Networking with java These labs were written for UBC computer science in 2012. The content now has a few dead links and links and better ways of doing things, but they will get you going on java quickly. these labs go into details of using diagnostic networking tools and open source scanning software too. Lab1 — Introduction to Java Development Lab2 — TCP Sockets Lab3 — UDP Sockets Lab4…


a java based framework for sensors Zephyr Open is an open source code project to provide a framework for BlueTooth Physiological Sensors. Heart rate and blood pressure Monitors, gps and Wii Remotes are supported. What kind of mash-ups can you envision? Games for rehab? Distributed games and Virtual coaching? **This project is available on github, but has been replaced by by my tracks (google). With the framework is a…