
Observations from an outlier




In past posts, I’ve ranted about resistive vs capacitive screens for typing. Apple’s phone and tablet are great, but as a quad with poor hand function, most will prefer to use a finger nail to type. On my Nokia 5800 this works well and the new firmware has better smooth scrolling (inertia in the flicking though contact list for example). Some technology that came from eye tracking has seen…

Is Symbian going to make it on mobile devices? I’ve used java a long time now and hoped the fragmentation would be sorted out for by now. My first experience with S60 was pretty shocking. Sun’s SDK for wireless devices is actually really good, but runs on the emulator generally won’t on the actual device. It is a very slow and painful debugging process to test on emulator, then…

ok, few links to errors I’m seeing thus far: Future Exception is a new one! This error only started after I re-flashed my Nokia 5800 with version 21 of the firmware. I used to get further, the URL was discovered from the service search and I’d even get asked for permission to connect… and then get This error Again, my code is freely available to test your connection issues,…

OK, some nerd rage ahead, but also few tips on JavaME development. Long story, but the ZephyrOpen code project was first running on chips as meager as the TINI java chips. Growing power and java support on cell phones made these boards obsolete for my needs while Rock Climbing. So, now a mid range cell phone has everything I need up there, including a video stream. (original system, batteries…