
Observations from an outlier




c4 meet the superhumans from envy post on Vimeo. About bloody time I say. Please no more of the warm and fuzzy videos of Paralympic games. In the past these ads have been simply vomit inducing and don’t do the athletes any justice. Finally the marketing people are getting it — these athletes are badass. They work hard for years to get to the games and then they throw…


Candice explains how a paraplegic and a quadriplegic differ in exercise response.


a java based framework for sensors Zephyr Open is an open source code project to provide a framework for BlueTooth Physiological Sensors. Heart rate and blood pressure Monitors, gps and Wii Remotes are supported. What kind of mash-ups can you envision? Games for rehab? Distributed games and Virtual coaching? **This project is available on github, but has been replaced by by my tracks (google). With the framework is a…


Safety is an illusion. This kind of adventure just makes it very clear that you are playing with fire. Evey day we take great risks without truly knowing them, because we’d rather not know. Now jump off a cliff with only an 11mm rope to stop you from hitting the dirt… now that is about as “real” as things get. I’ve never done anything even close to this, but…

First VO2max tet done at UBC. My score is about as bad as you’ll ever be able to find — somewhere between an old woman and a cancer patent. But, this is something one can train, and I try to post other results to add some context.


DR. Andrei Krassioukov measures change in Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in a quadriplegic vs a paraplegic.