
Observations from an outlier




led lighting with arduino yun progress on the rgb leds continues, here is the code for a useful android testing tool, with a very brutal looking UI.. awful. sliders for the red, green, blue light levels, few buttons for presets and scrolling debug messaging. the only noteworthy thing is defining the range of the sliders to suit the pwm levels on the arduino end.. so, [0 – 255] values…


Philips has a new led lightbulb coming soon for $12, but of course it doesn’t have wifi or bluetooth radios for that price. cheap and hackable led bulbs are being done on kick starter too (but also without a radio). this is because just the wifi radio costs $15 dollars. but.. is a sweet rgb led bulb with wifi be worth 100? the costs are mostly in the communications….


testing pan and tilt from servo city here is an arduino sketch (below) to control a pan and tilt system from your keyboard. I chose high torque servos hoping they would be a bit smoother and less “buzzy” when tracking into new positions. with the lightweight gopro camera there is still some jittering, but nothing that can’t be removed with a good video editing tool. servo city claims this…


arduino data acquisition Arduinos can be used in real products, they just aren’t teaching tools anymore. I cut my teeth on 68HC11 using C and the BUFFALO bootloader, mostly pain and not so much fun. sure the paid tools and IDE’s for this chip were pretty good but the were expensive and not hobby grade. if one wanted to experiment, the (oopic and the basic stamp and pic were…


wheelchair as a gopro dolly testing the camera on the seawall. this is simply the goPo handle bar mount attached to my wheelchair. I imported into final cut and shared to youtube directly. I did the colour balance step after a few basic edits. be sure to try it in different resolutions. the 720p and 1080p version look really good. youtube’s on stabilization took out most the bumps, pretty…